Give 716 is almost here and Greater Buffalo Adaptive Sports has been gearing up for a great fundraising event! We hope you will join us by making a donation to our organization through Give 716. Give 716 begins on Thursday, July 14th at 7:16 PM and runs until Saturday, July 16th at 7:16 AM. We are looking forward to taking advantage of all of the amazing Matching Gifts and Grant Opportunities that the Bills and Sabres have lined up and we certainly don’t want you to miss out on the amazing T-Shirt Incentive! The first 3,000 donations of $71.60 or more receive a FREE Commemorative T-Shirt! Please visit https://give716.org/give/give716/2022/giving-day-22/charities/sled-hockey-foundation-inc to support our Give 716 campaign!